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How to Write Great Copy for DTC Welcome Email Series

How to Write Great Copy for DTC Welcome Email Series
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This blog by Eric Wall, Head of Copy at Magnet Monster, provides comprehensive guidance on writing effective copy for DTC welcome email series.

Using Duradry's welcome flow as an example, Eric covers essential elements such as delivering on promises, sharing the brand's origin story, and introducing bestsellers. The blog emphasizes the importance of fresh ideas, crafting compelling subject lines, and ensuring the right email length.

Key goals include encouraging purchases and engaging with the brand. The blog also highlights common pitfalls to avoid, such as misaligning with the brand's tone and being too salesy.


Copywriting for DTC emails is easy.

All that you need to do is take a look at DTC brands and their websites, speak to the founders, understand customer personas, and lo and behold -Your copy starts flowing easily.

Pah! That sounds too good to be true.

It takes years of patience and practice to master the art of DTC copywriting. Plus a lot more practices like saving the best mails in swipe files, using ChatGPT etc.

So, in this blog, we will be unwrapping the secrets to writing great copy for DTC welcome email series.

We'll be taking a look at Duradry's welcome flow to see what makes it so effective and how you can use these tips to create your own welcome flow.

Ready? Let's dive in!

Crafting the Perfect Welcome Flow

Getting Started

The journey begins with a solid plan from our email strategists. They lay the groundwork for everything that follows. While every welcome flow is different, there are a few key elements that should be included in most welcome flows.

The Initial Email

We roll out the red carpet with the initial email. This is where we deliver on our promise of a free gift or discount that the customer signed up for on the opt-in screen. This sets the tone and shows our commitment right from the start. For example, Duradry offers a free towel in their first email. This immediate reward encourages customers to start shopping right away.

Sharing the Brand’s Origin Story

In another email, we share the brand’s origin story, mission, and values. This isn't about selling but about building an emotional connection. Duradry’s founder, Jack, discusses his struggle with excessive sweating and how that led to the invention of Duradry, helping readers relate to the brand.

Introducing Best Sellers

Next, we introduce the best sellers. This isn't merely a showcase but a guided exploration of top products, demonstrating how they can make a difference in the reader’s life. We also sprinkle testimonials throughout the flow, sharing real stories from real people. This builds trust and serves as proof that the products are effective.

Keeping Ideas Fresh

To keep our ideas fresh, I use tools like MailCharts or Really Good Emails for inspiration. These platforms have thousands of emails to draw inspiration from. Additionally, I maintain a personal swipe file with emails from other brands to see how they approach their campaigns. If I ever struggle with content ideas, I look through these resources and usually find inspiration within minutes. ChatGPT is also a great tool for brainstorming and drafting initial concepts.

Crafting Subject Lines and Hooks

When it comes to getting your emails opened, the subject line does everything. Here’s how we craft subject lines at Magnet Monster that not only grab attention but also get clicks:

  • Keep Them Short: Aim for less than 50 characters to ensure your entire message is visible on most devices and email clients.
  • Mention the Value: If you're offering a discount, make it clear right from the start.
  • Spark Interest: Use language that creates excitement and encourages subscribers to open the email, such as "Welcome gift inside" or "Your exclusive welcome offer."
  • Evoke Curiosity: Ask questions like "Ready to get your confidence back?" to engage the reader’s interest.

This approach is about creating a positive first impression and setting the stage for future interactions.

The Right Length for Email Copy

As cliché as it sounds, the copy should be as long or short as it needs to be. The first email in the flow, which fulfills the promise of a discount or gift, can be short and to the point. It typically includes a welcome headline, the offer, a few powerful USPs about the brand, and a risk reversal section.

For longer formats, such as sharing the brand story or explaining the science behind a product, the copy needs to be longer to fully convey the message. However, it should still be concise and to the point, giving the reader just enough information to spark their interest and encourage them to click through.

Goals of a Welcome Flow

The primary goal is to make a purchase from the very first email. If not, the rest of the flow aims to tip the scales in the brand’s favor. By the end of the welcome flow, we want the audience to:

  1. Make a Purchase: The primary call to action is to buy after introducing the brand, explaining product benefits, and offering a first purchase discount.
  2. Engage with the Brand: Beyond buying, we want readers to engage with the brand in other ways, such as following on social media or reading blogs. This helps integrate the subscriber into the brand’s community, increasing loyalty and lifetime value.

What Not to Do

Misaligning with the Brand’s Tone of Voice

Every brand has a unique voice. Ensure your emails reflect this to avoid confusing subscribers and diluting the brand’s identity.

Being Too Salesy

Build a relationship rather than just pushing for sales. Overly aggressive sales pitches can turn off new subscribers and cause them to unsubscribe.

Overly Long Emails and Subject Lines

Keep subject lines short and sweet. Long subject lines can get cut off, especially on mobile devices. Emails should be concise and not overloaded with information to avoid overwhelming subscribers.


To recap:

  1. Know Your Audience and Brand: Start by understanding the brand’s details and customer feedback to get the tone right.
  2. Craft Emails that Get Read: From the first offer to showcasing bestsellers, every email should grab attention and connect with the reader.
  3. Snappy Subject Lines: Keep them short and sweet.
  4. Just the Right Length: Emails should be punchy and to the point, covering essentials without losing interest.
  5. Avoid Common Pitfalls: Stay on brand and don’t overwhelm readers with too much information.

By following these tips, you can turn new subscribers into loyal fans and customers in no time.


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