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6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Loop guest post

6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Loop guest post
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Is subscription SaaS in the eCommerce industry commoditised? I thought it largely was myself, until I met Piyush and he showed me what he was building at Loop

That’s why in today’s article, I’m really excited for him to dive into all the creative ways you can leverage Loop to drive subscriptions as part of your retention marketing strategy and maximise LTV.

Let’s dive into each strategy - I’ll let Piyush take over from here.

6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention

Hey guys, I am Piyush - founder at Loop Subscriptions.
Loop is a Shopify app solving for retention by gamifying the usual set & forget subscriptions with discounts and rewards.
After working with many DTC brands, we’ve realized that subscribers have the highest LTV and they deserve the best engagement to boost retention.
With Loop we’ve designed really power email flows to elevate your subscriber experience by sending the right email at the right time.

6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Magnet Monster

Here are 6 unique email flows that can be triggered with Loop X Klaviyo to improve subscriber retention easily. 

  1. Use rewarding emails to retain subscribers
  2. Send payment failure emails to reduce churn (~20% reduction)
  3. Design upcoming order emails to increase subscription revenue (~15% growth)
  4. Run high ROI subscriber reactivation campaigns
  5. Personalise emails to increase AOV (~30% boost)
  6. Rewards subscribers on special days

Detailed deep-dive into each of them 👇

1. Use rewarding emails to retain subscribers

With Loop, you can give rewards like higher discounts, and gifts based on total orders, customer tags and the products your subscribers use.
Use these rewards to engage subscribers over emails like:

  • Send a welcome email sequence to subscribers, personalized based on the product they use
  • Send an email highlighting higher discount on the next order - With Loop flows, brands can configure a higher discount on (say) 2nd order and boost retention
  • Send an email highlighting free gift on the next order - With Loop flows, brands can configure gifts on the (say) 4th order to reduce churn
  • Launch simple UGC campaign - set-up a campaign to all subscribers who received a gift on their 4th order and ask them to review the product on social. 

Just like above, 100’s of these email flows can be configured in less than 60 seconds => high engagement + churn reduction.

6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Magnet Monster

2. Send payment failure emails to reduce churn (~20% reduction)

~15% of the revenue is lost from failed payments. A lot of brands don’t even track this data. 
Loop’s dunning management system tracks card failure churn and engages subscribers over emails to update their cards. 

  • Card expiry alerts - set up an email campaign to notify customers about card expiry 30 days in advance with a one-click update link.
  • If the payment is unsuccessful then Loop retries cards up to 5 times. 
  • Using Klaviyo integration, you can send notifications to customers about failed payments + retry attempts.
6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Magnet Monster
  • Offer a reward to update card details - In the Last Payment Retry Email - offer an incentive to subscribers to update their card details

Loop sends all payment failure events to Klaviyo and it is very easy to set-up these campaigns. 

3. Design Upcoming Order emails to increase subscription revenue (~20% growth)

Brands lose ~15% revenue because of skipped orders and paused subscriptions. Most of this revenue is lost right after the “Upcoming Order Reminder” email.
With Loop X Klaviyo integration, you can redesign upcoming order emails to reduce revenue loss. Over these emails, you can:

  • Add Delay by 7/14  day button instead Skip Order button
  • Add upcoming rewards information in the email
  • Upsell one-time add-ons with discounts 
6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Magnet Monster

4. Run high ROI subscriber reactivation campaigns 

Loop Cancellation Flows (check it out on Loop demo store) is designed to bust churn.
Brands can create their own cancellation reasons, and offer alternatives to cancellations. They can also offer discounts to specific subscribers like those with 3+ orders or $100 spent.

This cancellation data is synced on Klaviyo

Brands can set up reactivation sequences that are personalized with cancellation reason + total order count/product. 

You get ready-made customer segments of people who cancelled because of “too much stock” or “too expensive” and you can hyper-target these segments.For instance, your reactivation campaign for “too-much-stock” customers can be sent after 2-3 weeks with one-click activation.

6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Magnet Monster

5. Personalised emails to increase AOV 

Set up campaigns based on a subscriber’s journey. With Loop, you can tag subscribers and you are all set on Klaviyo. Some examples of campaigns:

  • Upselling campaigns for the subscribers of Product A ⇒ offer Product B at a 50% discount after 2 orders + also send this in an upcoming order email.
  • Free delivery campaign - with Loop, brands can offer free delivery on $50+ subscription orders and send subscribers a free shipping email
  • Set up a welcome campaign for subscribers personalized at the product level (talk about product benefits, brand values, customer testimonials etc)
  • Send a thank you campaign for subscribers who have done 3+ orders  
6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Magnet Monster

6. Rewards subscribers on special days

High chances that you are doing special incentives on the 4th of July, BFCM, Earth Day for new customers but are you doing anything for the highest LTV customers - your subscribers

With Loop Bulk Actions, you can do all sorts of interesting things and engage with subscribers:

  • Give an extra 10% discount to all subscribers with their March order to celebrate Women's Day.
  • Celebrate the 4th of July by giving a free gift with July orders to all subscribers who have done 3+ orders 
6 Powerful Emails To Engage Your DTC Subscribers & Boost Retention | Magnet Monster

These are just some of the ideas - we can do so much more.

Loop is a powerful subscription software for DTC brands to increase retention and LTV

Emails have a high ROI. They can boost your subscriber retention, improve AOV and reduce churn.
200+ brands have already migrated to Loop in 2022 from other platforms to grow their subscription business. 
Brands also save ~40% of their software cost by migrating from other platforms while growing subscription revenue. 
Special deal for Magnet Monster customers - only 0.75% in transaction fee and zero per order fee.
Book a demo here and write MAGNET in the message box.
Install Loop Subscriptions on Shopify
and get started with unique email journeys for your subscribers today.

Check out Loop’s Website here.
Follow Loop On Twitter here.

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